Signet 515 Rotor-X Paddlewheel Flow Sensor


The next time you need a high-quality flow sensor, you can turn to the professionals at DEWCO. We have the Signet 515 Rotor-X Paddlewheel Flow Sensor for sale, which is a superior product that comes with a long list of great features. Made from chemical resistant materials, this sensor allows for highly repeatable output and an operating range of .3 – 6 m/s. It is completely self-powered, and its simple design allows for easy installation. For more details about what the Signet 515 Rotor-X Paddlewheel Flow Sensor has to offer, please contact DEWCO today!

• Operating range 0.3 to 6 m/s (1 to 20 ft/s)
• Wide turndown ratio of 20:1
• Highly repeatable output
• Simple, economical design
• Installs into pipe sizes DN15 to DN900 (½ to 36 in.)
• Self-powered/no external power required
• Test certificate included for -X0, -X1
• Chemically resistant materials

515 Datasheet

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